Journals On Topic

Increase Speed to Market & Fulfill Demand with POD

One of Sheridan’s most important services, especially in these uncertain times, is its Print-on-Demand (POD) solution. As many publishers and individuals take a closer look at budgets and demand, it can be difficult to rationalize or approve a large volume print run without confirmation of demand. With POD, publishers can take on a new strategy of “sell first, print second,” eliminating the need for a warehouse filled with inventory. Publishers also can save printing and shipping costs by fulfilling just what is ordered. With slowdowns and shutdowns in the print supply chain, the versatility of POD can be just what you ordered.

Print what you need when you need it

POD platforms take the guesswork out of journal printing. There’s no need to gamble on how many issues will sell and risk having a warehouse of unsold journals or too few to fulfill orders for an upcoming event. With POD, you can print only what is needed and do it quickly.

But Sheridan’s POD Powered by Select™ solution is not just for reprints or short runs; you also can easily upload a new file into the Select portal for quick printing of the desired number of copies. This means you can free up cashflow by printing only what’s needed and increase your speed to market. You also can harvest backlist titles to capture revenue that might otherwise be lost.

Our eCommerce platform integrates with our POD services as well, enabling customers to seamlessly order new titles or back issues. Customers receive order confirmation, as well as shipping and tracking information after placing an order.

As simple as 1-2-3

With our self-service Select platform, publishers or individuals can:

  1. Upload files through our easy-to-use portal
  2. Place an order for the desired number of copies
  3. Receive a confirmation and tracking information to prepare for the requested materials

We understand that time is of the essence when choosing a POD option, so we don’t clutter the process with unnecessary steps. For example, we make it easy for return customers to order previously published materials by saving uploaded files and ensuring they are readily available for future print needs.

Consumers can easily order titles from the portal and have them printed and shipped anywhere in the world. Confirmation is sent upon receipt of the order as well as when the order ships.

Save time, money, warehouse space, and perhaps even your reputation by using Sheridan’s POD solution. Get just what you need, when you need it.

Contact your Sheridan representative for a consultation or visit our contact page to learn how Sheridan experts can help streamline and simplify your publishing processes.

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