The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is an international association dedicated to the study and conservation of birds. Its publishers produce two of the most prestigious and most-cited ornithological journals in the world, The Auk: Ornithological Advances and The Condor: Ornithological Applications. Like many journal publishers, those at AOS decided to move their publications to an online-only format. Because demand for their print issues is still strong, they decided on a print-on-demand (POD) solution — and chose Sheridan to provide it.
Why Sheridan?
Moving a journal to an online-only format is an increasingly common choice for academic publishers. However, some consumers will always want printed copies in their hands. That left AOS members with a challenge: How could they accommodate all subscribers without the expense of printing and storing extra physical copies?
AOS publishers contacted Sheridan because they heard Sheridan had solved a similar problem for another journal publisher. AOS members wanted a customer-facing solution that would allow subscribers to easily request print copies of journal issues and have them shipped directly to designated addresses.
Problem solved
— AOS Journals Director Kathleen Erickson
Sheridan Select is an easy-to-use automated POD solution and the answer to AOS publishers’ print-copy dilemma. The AOS team met with Sheridan representatives to outline requirements, requests, suitable product pricing, and other considerations. The result of this collaboration is an AOS-branded web portal where customers — including AOS members and institutions — can order one or more printed copies of journal issues. The platform then routes orders to Sheridan Subscriber Services for processing and fulfillment.
With the aid of the Sheridan Select POD solution, AOS members have been able to move their publications online and satisfy the needs of subscribers who want print copies. The publisher also eliminated costs associated with storing the printed issues AOS members needed for current and back-issue requests. In addition, the new AOS Subscription Print Management program manages every part of the process from printing to delivery and invoicing. The web interface is convenient and easy for customers, but help is always available by contacting Subscriber Services.
Whether it’s the sensory experience of a print journal, its convenience and portability, or some other reason, readers will likely always want print versions in addition to their online journals. Now there’s a convenient, cost-effective way to serve the needs of both online and print audiences.
Contact your Sheridan representative for a consultation or visit our contact page to learn how Sheridan experts can help streamline and simplify your publishing processes.