Niche Publishers:
What if you could share the top-selling secrets of multi-million-dollar media sales reps with your sales team? You’d likely expect great results!
From straightforward to deviously strategic, here are some of the best, shared at Niche Media 2024 in this powerful session titled “Multi-Million Dollar Media Reps Tell ALL!”.
Read on and stoke YOUR winning team!
Invest some time immediately after your client meeting to take very thorough notes – directly in your CRM. Write them in the language and phrases your client uses. Tell your client that you’ll follow up with detailed notes summarizing the call. When you do, use their language and key terminology. They’ll know that you understood them – it makes them more receptive – and it allows you to include your solutions/services again within the recap.
When calling on a new client and having trouble getting to the decision-maker, humanize yourself. Share a bit of personal information and be friendly. Buy a candy jar and fill it with good candy. Put it in the front area. Come back routinely to fill up the jar – not to sell. Eventually, your visits will be welcome, and you’ll get invited to meet the decision-maker.
Schedule EVERYTHING, from client calls to reading emails. You will be more focused, more organized, and more effective. Along these lines, end your day by not only listing but prioritizing your tasks for the next day.
Make your LinkedIn Profile WORK for you. Present yourself as the expert in your field. Include helpful articles, tips, and powerful endorsements from your existing clients. Don’t forget a professional-looking headshot. You = highly effective, professional, and successful.
If a client decides to cut a traditional ad page, presumably to save $, pitch an “Ask the Expert” page instead. They may like the idea of profiling their offerings in this format, positioning themselves as experts in their field, and you’ll gain back the advertising $$.
If a client wants to cut their ½ page ad, propose a risk/risk option: Pitch a ½ pg. sponsored content ad at the same cost as the ½ pg. traditional ad. Tell them you won’t charge for it until 4 weeks after it’s out. If it didn’t perform for them, it’s free.
Invite your top advertisers to join your advisory board (and of course list them) and routinely ask them to pick up your magazine and tell you what needs to be improved. They are your stakeholders and soliciting this type of participation and feedback builds trust and personal investment.
When responding to the objection that people don’t read print anymore, ask them what they think would happen if they put an ad in the magazine giving something of value away (think, an all-expenses-paid wedding in a bride magazine), and imagine what kind of response they’d get.
Commission a white paper by a respected third party that quantifies the value of print and share it with your advertisers.
Advertisers not opening your emails? Put a competitor’s name in the subject line of your email; they will open it. You can follow it with, “Now that I’ve got your attention…:
Ask your advertisers for help; you may be surprised that many are willing to help you based on the personal relationship you’ve cultivated with them. For instance, if you’re going on vacation and want to get X tasks done, explain that to them, and ask if they can help by responding to whatever ask you’ve made – commit to a placement, submit a payment or ad content, etc.
If you have inside “experts” on a certain service that would apply to the client’s need, bring them along on the sales call. Sell in teams – not only does it increase your credibility with the client, but it allows them to ask specific questions and lets them know they are in good hands.
Session Contributors:
Nancy O’Brien, Senior Director of Industry Affairs and Events, AIN Media Group moderated the session, which included panelists Barb Montagano, Director of Sales & Account Services, Chicago Style; Zach O’Brien, Founder/EIC, Active Norcal; Paul Hoefer, VP, Business Development, Spotlight Media, and many highly engaged audience members.