Though those in the print and publishing world have known all along that print is essential, throughout the course of the Coronavirus crisis, Sheridan has worked closely with individual states and their health departments to confirm our status as an essential business. That status has now also been confirmed on a Federal level. On April 17, 2020, printers were specifically identified as essential in the updated Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce by the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Sheridan, along with the other companies of CJK Group, have long served the print and related publishing service needs of numerous essential business sectors. It is the essential nature of our work that has both allowed and compelled us to continue operating and serving the publishing community.
Here is a look at some of the many areas we serve:
At Sheridan, we stand ready to assist. Contact your sales representative today to discuss your print and publishing service needs.