
Paper Dummies are a Smart Idea

by Wendy


Page counts going up? Coming down? Are you considering a different trim size? Or maybe changing the basis weights of your papers, adding a cover wrap, French gate, or eight page cover?

Paper DummiesPaper dummies – blank sheets of paper bound into a publication made to your requested specifications – are an excellent means of comparing options when considering changes to your publication. While printed samples are great for comparing how ink will reproduce on different papers (say a matte versus a gloss, or a #2 versus a #3) or for evaluating the effect of different coatings (say an aqueous versus a UV coating or a soft touch versus gritty), paper dummies provide both a visual (how your publication would look in different trim sizes or with special effects added) and a means of feeling the differences (say when comparing a 60# paper to a 50# paper, or dropping from 80 pages to 64).

The next time you are considering a design change, you may want to ask your printer to provide paper dummies made to the specifications of the options under consideration. Dummies are an excellent way to evaluate how the changes you are considering will impact the look and feel of your publication.

Please call or email your sales rep with printing questions or requests for design ideas, paper samples, dummies or pricing quotes.

At Sheridan, we appreciate that you are in print!