Books Front Matter

The Green Side of Print on Demand

Hardback Books On Wooden Table

Bulk printing models will always have a place in economies of scale for their predictability and discounted pricing. But they can’t always keep up with fluctuating demands. When more flexibility is needed to pursue timely opportunities, publishers turn to print-on-demand (POD). POD is immediately flexible — allowing publishers to print small runs quickly and hold production if demand begins to drop — which opens a new avenue for green printing. For publishers seeking ways to print more sustainably, POD is worth exploring.

Sustainability through flexibility

POD allows publishers to print only what is needed. This drastically reduces waste and storage costs, as traditional printing methods often result in large quantities of unsold books that must be either stored or discarded — neither of which supports a healthy bottom line or environmental well-being.

POD’s lean production minimizes the excess, aligning print models with growing industry trends toward sustainability. Compounding these boons, shorter print runs mean lower energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint, making POD an environmentally responsible choice for modern publishers.

At Sheridan, we’re committed to sustainable printing that helps rather than hinders publishing operations. We integrate these principles into our POD services to help publishers manage costs while meeting their goals for sustainability. Our POD program is proof that — with the right strategy and processes in place — what’s good for business can also be good for the planet.

Digital integration to enhance engagement

A less obvious environmental benefit of POD is the way it supports digital integration to further enhance sustainability efforts. Since 2017, U.S. readers have spent more time consuming digital media than traditional media like print, and many publishers must seek ways to integrate print media with digital assets and channels to remain relevant and profitable.

For example, publishers can include QR codes in books that link to online content, eliminating the need for separate print materials. Event flyers, coupons, quizzes, study guides, interactive content, and even some illustrations can be digitized with QR links integrated directly into the book. This has the potential to reduce waste while enhancing the reader’s experience. It’s a fusion of print and digital that supports sustainability, and POD enables publishers to experiment and test new approaches at a small scale. When integrated media falls flat (or when it takes off), publishers can adapt production in stride.

Woman Scanning Qr Code In a Book

POD: Green printing (in more ways than one)

While environmental sustainability is a key benefit of POD, the model also offers significant cost advantages through its inherent flexibility. POD allows for rapid adjustments in print runs based on real-time demand, reducing the likelihood of waste and the costs associated with storing excess stock.

Being able to respond to real-time data and trends, and scaling production as demand changes is critical to publishers.  With Sheridan’s Print-on-Demand (POD) solutions, powered by our Sheridan Select™ platform, you can print what you need to meet demand, then slow production when demand drops off. And when demand fluctuates rapidly, you can quickly adjust your print runs without committing to a big production upfront, seamlessly switching between POD and offset printing depending on what you need.

Sheridan Select™ makes this process easy. This platform provides you with one simple, user-friendly interface where you can manage production with the click of a button. When an opportunity pops up, like a special event or a seasonal spike, you can easily produce just the right number of copies — no more, no less — capitalizing on sales while cutting down on waste.

A smart, flexible, and sustainable solution

Pressures for sustainability in publishing are heating up. POD is a powerful tool for any publisher looking to answer the call for greener printing. With Sheridan’s POD solutions, you have the flexibility to cut costs without cutting corners. And with Sheridan Select™, you can do it with the click of a button.

Want to print a few copies now, and have the option of printing a large bulk run later? Contact us today to learn more about our traditional print and POD services.

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